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At Platinum Financial Services, we understand that obtaining bridging and development finance can be a complex and overwhelming process. That's why our team of expert advisers are here to support you every step of the way. We have extensive knowledge of the different types of loans available and can provide guidance on the most suitable option for your specific needs. Our advisers will guide you through the application process, helping you to complete forms and provide documentation, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience. We pride ourselves on delivering tailored advice and clear communication to ensure you fully understand the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. Trust us to help you achieve your property goals.

What is bridging and development finance?

In both cases, these types of finance can be essential tools for property investors, developers and homebuyers, helping them to achieve their property goals.

What is bridging finance?

Bridging finance is a type of short-term loan used to "bridge" the gap between the purchase of a new property and the sale of an existing one. There an effective short-term solution for not only homeowners, but landlord and property developers too. Bridging finance provides a temporary cash flow solution, allowing borrowers to access funds quickly and efficiently. 


You can either have an 'open' loan, which does not have a fixed repayment date, which is ideal if you do not know when your funds will be available. However, most lenders will limit the team to a maximum of 12 months. 'Closed' loans on the other hand have a fixed repayment date, perfect for when you have a known completion date.

What is development finance?

Development finance serves as a valuable short-term funding solution for residential and commercial developments. Typically spanning from 6 to 24 months, development finance can be used for a range of projects from refurbishments of a single home, right through to multi-property developments. With development finance, you're typically granted a lump sum to assist with the initial property/land purchase. Additional funds are then released in stages as the project progresses.


Unlike traditional mortgages that are based on the current value of a property, development finance weighs up the cost of development and the projected future value of the property upon completion to determine the amount that can be borrowed.   

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Why work with us?

We can provide you with expert advice on the different types of loans available, ensuring you choose the right one for your specific needs. We can also guide you through the application process, helping you to fill out any necessary forms and providing support with documentation. Additionally, we're here to make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions of the loan agreement, making sure there are no surprises down the line.

​We can support with...

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Providing expert advice on the different types of bridging and development finance available.

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Helping you to fill out necessary forms and provide support with documentation.

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Guiding you through the application process.

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Ensuring you choose the right loan for your specific needs.

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Provide guidance on the terms and conditions of the loan agreement.

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Offer tailored advice based on your individual circumstances and goals.

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Save you time and stress by handling the details of the financing process.

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Help you achieve your property goals by providing access to essential financing solutions.

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